January 9, 2020: Everybody's Fool
Song: “Everybody’s Fool” by Evanescence from Fallen
(from wattpad.com)
A woman sits, shacked, on cot bolted to the wall. The cell is sparse and grey but almost immaculately clean. The dull light of a bright winter’s day eases through the small chicken wired window above her head. She is BLITHE and she is exhausted, in trouble, and utterly unafraid.
Somewhere near by a loud clang rings out, a door being slammed open. The unseen other prisoners begin to babble. Soon, it becomes more unified, voices shouting praise, declarations of faithfulness, promises to die to protect. BLITHE grimaces to herself.
GUARD (unseen and agitated)
Quiet! Silence!
The voices continue. They begin to seem to almost be moaning as if in the throes of a religious experience.
GLENDA (not yet seen, calm, quiet composed)
That’s enough now.
Immediate silence.
Better. Thank you. But when I’m not here, my guards are my extension? Understand? If you make them repeat themselves it is like making me repeat myself.
The silence continues. No one even dare agree. GLENDA finally reaches BLITHE’s cell. She points and the GUARD hustles to open it. She waves him away. He opens his mouth to protest, to say he can’t leave her alone with a prisoner. She fixes her eyes on him and he shrinks away. When he is out of view, she smiles and enters the cell with an almost floating quality. She is pleased with herself. Also unafraid.
I’m so glad they found you. My right hand woman would be tortured and butchered if discovered by my enemies.
BLITHE (not making eye contact)
As opposed to tossed in one of your secret prisons?
GLENDA (amused)
Ah yes. I can understand your anger on this. You know how the guards are. Such zealots. What can you do, you know? I inspire such loyalty. Including from you. At least, I thought so. Why were you wandering out near the border, Blithe?
I wasn’t wandering near it. I was walking towards it. With an intention of crossing it.
Quite right? Ambitious! Well I do respect that. But taking on one of our rivals by yourself hardly seems advisable. And foolhardy to do so without my permission besides.
BLITHE (bitter)
You know that’s not what I was doing.
GLENDA (sitting next to BLITHE)
Mmm, yes. Yes I suppose I do. I hoped otherwise but you have never had a gift for subtlety.
I had no interest in being subtle.
GLENDA (laughs)
Yes. Perhaps you would have been better served if you developed such an interest.
BLITHE snorts noncommittally.
No worries. I am nothing if not forgiving. Simply give up on this nonsense you shall be back in your Royal uniform and in my throne room by sunset.
BLITHE (making eye contact for the first time)
GLENDA (taken aback)
No. This isn’t nonsense and I’m not giving it up.
GLENDA (amused and annoyed all at once)
Not nonsense? Oh dear Blithe do inform your queen then. What is it if not nonsense?
BLITHE (standing, pacing)
You are a monster. I will not help you a moment longer!
A monster? That overstates things a little, don’t you think?
I know what you hide! Spare me the emotional remove and “I’m as calm as the Lake Crestin at the Solistice” façade!
GLENDA (clicking her tongue, amusement draining)
Oh, I see. My real face? The magic? I didn’t take you for a bigot Blithe. Faerie born has just as much a right to rule as--
BLITHE (cutting her off sarcastically)
Oh silence my Lord! You waste your breathe and my time. I’ve known about your face for years now. I’ve known about the magic to keep them all in line. I am not unfamiliar with what women need to do to command respect and maintain power. I held my role with your predecessor, too, lest you forget. And he hated women of any kind, including his daughters.
GLENDA balked at the mention of the former king’s daughters
BLITHE (smirking)
But I suppose you two have that in common at least, don’t you? A hatred of his daughters?
GLENDA (nearly hissing)
I have no idea of what you speak.
Oh I think you do. Actually I know you do. In the castle basement. Those women…no girls, who never had any interest in ruling. Who helped you overthrow their father! Chained up! Beaten! At your orders!
GLENDA (standing)
You’d do well to watch yourself!
And you’d do well to not underestimate me.
GLENDA (arrogance growing)
If you’ve known about my magic for some time you know how easily I can destroy you. How quickly. And never waste another thought on you.
BLITHE (smiling)
Of course. But only if you were in the same room as me.
GLENDA (laughing)
Like now you mean?
No. Not at all like now.
It is then that BLITHE shimmers ever so slightly. GLENDA reaches for her, hands passing through.
GLENDA (wild with rage and perhaps fear)
What have you done?!
You think you’re the only person I know with magic? You think the guards I trained could find me if I didn’t want them to?
Somewhere far off an explosion is heard. Then another. Then five in rapid sequence.
You can’t start a revolution with two girls who don’t want to rule.
Didn’t want to rule. It’s amazing how five years of torture can change a woman’s mind about things.
Another explosion, this one much closer
GLENDA (roaring)
I’ll destroy yo—
She goes quiet when she realizes she is in the cell alone. Explosions grow louder, more frequent. Revolution is coming.