January 19, 2013: A Well Respected Man
Song: “A Well Respected Man” by The Kinks from Love and Other Drugs Soundtrack
(Picture from http://www.notbored.org)
For Roger Thomas, every morning was the same. Every morning.
He’d wake up, put on his robe, and grab the paper. He’d read the sports section while eating corn flakes despite neither enjoying sports nor the taste of corn flakes. Then, he’d shower, put on a suit, grey or navy blue, and drive to work.
Every day.
The same.
One day, he selected the Op-ed section over sports. That was the day his fiancé was hit by a bus. So Roger doesn’t stray from sports anymore.
One day, he tried to eat Rice Crispies instead. That was the day his brother was struck by lightning. So Roger doesn’t try new cereals anymore.
One day, he just went to work in a pair of khaki pants and a sweater. That was the day his friend was eaten by a tiger. So Roger doesn’t wear anything but suits to work anymore.
For Roger Thomas, every morning was the same. Every morning.
Except for when they weren’t and then people got hurt.
So Roger makes sure to keep it all the same.
Every day.
The same.
Tomorrow though, he was thinking that maybe it might be nice to take the subway into work. To leave the car at home.
So, if you know Roger Thomas, please, please, please... do watch out for yourself tomorrow.