Last Week in the Links: 02/26-03/04/2018
Natalie Portman, a real life soldier-scientist, bids you read these LINKS!!!!
Is this the future liberals want? (
This Site!
ANNIHILATION is a fascinating movie so of course I put it under a microscope and demanded it give me its secrets.
Reviews have confirmed DEATH WISH ain't great but I've got the Bruce Willis movies you can watch instead in The Tuesday List.
Other Sites!
Kevin Smith survived a bad heart attack last week and that led me to reflect about watching my first Kevin Smith movie, how it played into my life, my friendships, and how I came around to appreciating him as a person even if I didn't love him as a filmmaker anymore.
I also argued for the return of Manhunter, a great book and character that could be a tremendous asset to the DCU.