Last Month (Plus) in the Links: 04/08-05/20/2018
Should I be better at getting these up? You bet! Will I be? Hey, dreams are wonderful things to have!
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The most recent Tuesday List discusses enemies for Venom in his upcoming sure to be AMAZING!!! film.
In the wake of the Disney/Pixar bracket meme, I conducted my own with votes from a certain Facebook group. If you are curious, check out the completed bracket.
Matt D. Wilson sat down with me to discuss his character King Oblivion, Ph.D.'s life and death in part one of our interview. In part two, we focus on his comics and his podcasts, of which there are many.
Plenty have made hay of the AVENGERS INFINITY WAR ending and how that might derail the next film. I explained why stakes still very much exist for it.
One thing comics fans deal with a lot is death. Promised, promoted, hyped, reversed, and so on. I helpfully provided the industry some rules on how to do it right.
Writer (and friend) James Hatton released a book. I interviewed him about it.
I celebrated ACTION COMICS #1000 by discussing how important Christopher Reeve was to me and how he helped me process my uncle's ALS.
Movie Reviews!
Disobedience chronicles love and life in a small Orthodox Jewish community and does it all incredibly.
David Tennant makes definite choices in Bad Samaritan but not all of them were good ones.
The pain of grief is real in Love After Love but it doesn't exactly make for a watchable movie.
I was blown away by You Were Never Really Here.
I loathed Traffik and I told the world about it.
I Feel Pretty struggles to square its own message throughout, blunting Amy Schumer's strong performance.
Truth or Dare is neither daring nor gets to the truth of human existence. I discuss.
Rampage was loud, violent, and sadly not that fun.